
Ippei Uemura


2018, New departure...for an ascent !

Ippei the traveler follow some guide but Chef Uemura is now followed by the two most prestigious gastronomic guides. Gault&Millau award him the Young talent price for the second consecutive year and Michelin Guide award him "une assiette". It seems to prepare a new deparure...

Destination 165 Corniche Kennedy 13007 Marseille for the opening of a new restaurant: TABI. A new journey that choose going up as direction !

What a better destination for a fisherman and a cooker! Le Vallon des Auffes were this restaurant take place his famous for the fishermans and gastronomy...The place to be for Chef Uemura!


2017, From a traveller to a guide destination

Chef Uemura turns from a traveler to a destination in gastronomic guides. The Gault & Millau Guide awards him of two prices the same year, Young Talent and Seafood Trophy. Chef Ippei Uemura also joined the famous "Collège culinaire de France" the same year.


2009 à 2016, A new Chef from Marseilles to share with abroad

Chef Ippei Uemura felt in love with Marseilles, but the city also felt in love with him! Is way of cooking and his charisma soon conquer the city. He joined french gastronomy famous group as "les disciples d'Escoffier" and "Gourmediterranée" right after the opening of his Restaurant Tabi No Yume (Travel dreams) in Marseille, Sainte Anne district.

Chef Uemura is now traveling to share his cooking knowledge! His performing cooking demonstration in Tunisia, Morocco, Croatia, Turkey and even in Japan as City of Marseille delegation! He will cook for the official dinner between the twins cities Marseille and Kobe 50th anniversary.

Ippei have also a huge knowledge about fishing and he started to share the old fashion Japanese fisherman techniques' (Ike Jime and Shinke Jime) with the fishermen's of Marseille. From fishing to cooking!  Ippe choose the fishes he will cook directy in the sea.

2004 - 2009, A trip to his new home

Ippei arrived one day in Marseille and quickly felt at home. He works in gastronomy and became a Japanese French or a French Japanese, and for sure a Marseilles' cityzen!

On the music side, he start a rock band in Marseilles! 

1980 - 2003, A mind shaped by travelling

Born in 1980 in Kyoto, Chef Uemura dreamed about cooking and nice trips since is childhood.

Passioned by Japanese traditions il learn how to be a chef, a sculptor on fruits & vegetables, a dietician, sake's oenologist, a fisherman and whatever is curiosity lead him to.

Passioned by discovering the world, i'll travel alongside is guitar to Thailand, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Laos, Morocco, Mali, Senegal, Mauritania, and soon, France...


